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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Sampark Kranti

That means 'communication revolution', if literally translated as a phrase. For those of you not in the know of India, it is a series of trains which, like the exclusive Rajdhanis, connect the nation's capital to various state capitals. That's just like the Rajdhanis, and in most cases, the number of intermediate stoppages are lesser in number, comparatively. However, unlike the Rajdhanis, it's not fully air-conditioned and meals are not part of the ticket's package. So there, now you know.

I just returned to my home - that is Delhi - by the Maharashtra Sampark Kranti. And as luck would have it, on the way I happened to have some really obnoxious co-passengers. There was this bunch of 7 youngsters, on their way to wherever, who just couldn't refrain from talking loudly while playing cards - which would have been fine, if they had shut the hell up during the night when I was trying desperately to sleep and not kept giving me regular updates about India's downward progression against England on their way out of the ICC World Twenty20.

Then there was this woman who got in from Borivali who was obsessed with the berths - as it turned out, she had an upper but wanted something lower. When she finally did manage to get herself a middle, she wanted to set it up at 8 (EIGHT!) - we managed to delay it to 9. Next, she gets up in the morning at about 6 but says: "Abhi nahi - aath baje". Politely but firmly, I inform her that the official timings are 9pm-6am. What I really wanted to tell her was: "baarah ghante? train tere baap ki hai kya?"

But co-passengers weren't the best or the worst parts of the journey. The best was after a chain pulling incident somewhere near Sawai Madhopur (that place in Rajasthan from where you go to Ranathambore), after which this guy got off the train with his skybag, only to be caught by a policeman who held him by the collar with his right hand and kept slapping him right across the face with his left, all the while dragging the offender to the rear end of the train. It all started right outside my window so all the more fun! The worst part? There was no water in the train since 6 in the morning, and the train was scheduled to reach at half past one. Thankfully, it was on time.

PS. Indian Railways should increase the speed of these somewhat special trains to match the Rajdhanis, since arrive at their stoppages and destinations significantly before time. Especially since it is really frustrating when you're made to wait outside a station as a penalty for being before time, and embarrasing when you're made to wait while the Rajdhani which you led all the way from Bombay to Baroda is allowed to pass.


  1. i wonce too a train from delhi to mumbai.. .i guess it was punjab mail... the one that starts from far end of punjab and then comes to delhi and passes thruogh MP and then via nashik to mumbai...2 nights and 1 day :) . .stops everywhere....

    2 good exp...

    1st in MP i was charged by the MRP thought i got to fight with the guy who sold pedhas...

    2nd in maharashtra (chore sale... corrupt crooks) i bought a pack of biskoots MRP Rs. 12 but was forced to pay Rs. 14 :O

    that dude must be selling more than 1500 units of biskoots/chips/water/and what not...

    1500*2= 3000 :D... phaatey itna to mera boss bhi tax katne ke baad nahi kamata hoga... leking most of it will be distributed in the multilayer corrupt system..and then in the end like i say...all will only manage to make a living...INDIA Hai..sab chalta hai :)

    btw...met a freaking chinky on the train who had hash balls of freedom and i had a bottle of rum :)

  2. hey yeah, bada ganti here KC, u prob knw the chota ganti :), met this crazy but hot chick on my way to Nagpur, who didnt have a seat, only had a botle of water and went arnd asking every other guy if he was Raj, and she was all over the train, and the freaky part is, while coming back, this same fukkin girl is again there, like an apparition outta a Hitchcok movie........he he!! Dont ask what happened next, he he!!!wink wink.. :)
    And I once bought a "Chocobar" for 15 bucks, turned out to be morgue ice with chocolate vapor on it, beh@#$#@d!!!!!

