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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

half fries are better than full fries when boiled !!

how selfish should India be ??

this is one thought that keeps troubling me....

we want to be a superpower...OK... its a dream of the millions..oops sorry... billions.... ohhh i think i must disagree... count me out of that dream...

what we fail to see is the grass may be green on the superpower side...but the pink is not always pinker on the other side...i think pink is superior to red...

we may want to be the next United States...or United Kingdom... the next g8...but why ??

whats wrong with what we are...and whats wrong with what we will be if we stop our pursuit to be a superpower.... i don't think so we need to mumbai to be the next shanghai...we don't need Delhi to be the next Washington DC... we don't want Bangalore to be the next silicon valley.....no matter what we do ...we can never eliminate the jhag-mag jhag-jhag of mumbai ...we cant digest the fact that Delhi without its smart thugs and chaotic ring roads will be Delhi... and so wont Bangalore be Bangalore without its ....(whats Bangalore famous for ???)

why should we not be a normal power country...superpowers have their own sets of pros and cons... but at times when i think ...i know that the fact that the cons and problems that the superpowers have are much more deadlier and scarier than what we developing or underdeveloped countries have... the superpowers are super criminals...they are always in a race to posses the worlds more deadliest weapons...they produce more carbon and green house gases ...they consume maximum natural resources... they have the biggest monetary issues...they have blah blah blah blah...

these blah blah blahs have maximum consequences...

so now in the years to come we intend to make India a superpower...we think India won't be an just another superpower and but history will be forced to prove that it repeats ...its never wrong...

our problems will multiply...may be rise exponentially... the sea is continuing to rise.... the polar bears will have to die...the hole in the ozone will make things miserably unbearable...and Bangladesh will be smaller than MMR (may be MMR will grow and keep growing...and Bangladesh will keep sinking) (Mumbai Metropolitan Region)... imagine one billion people behaving like they can rule the world....

we shall continue to stretch our self to grow at double digits ...but if we end up growing too fast, there may be chances that we grow abnormally... thereby increasing chances of tumor...the other selfish nations will continue to pour money to help us grow as fast as possible...and the other dil-jale nations will continue to create more and more hurdles... the tumor will also cause tremendous distress within giving rise to naxalites...only because in the race of growing too fast we will forget the principle of equality equal re-distribution of wealth...and there are chances of brotherhood being lost....

i am not a socialist...a communist...or a capitalistic ....i am not even a socio-commu-capitalist....i am not sure...
i am not a leftist..i am not a right wing activist....or a centrist ...i don't know... but i know as a nation of so many diverse masala's and tadka's solve our problems by trying to become a superpower... we cant solve our problems by sending out peace signs and simultaneously being a nuclear power..(this is just one of the example)...

we SHOULD be a selfish nation...but we need to be selfish to be what we need to be....


all i understand is that we should never be in a position like we got gang raped during 1857AD to 1947 AD...

we cant loose what is most important to us..our freedom ...our freedom to choose... our freedom to ignore...our freedom to express...our freedom to love the ones we hate....our freedom to hate the ones we love...
and the most important our "freedom to be FREE"


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