i am looking for
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Serves them right!!!
What purpose did Raj Thackeray's cronies prove by slapping Abu Azmi for taking his oath in Hindi. All the man was saying was that he will follow his duties as the state wants him to and will maintain a non disclosure stance. But Raj's pro Marathi stand would have been damaged if 4 of his 13 "associates" did not create a scene about it.
He was talking in Hindi. Officially our official language. I really did not see any point in raising an objection about it.
Even if there was something wrong (something my innocent and politically free mind fails to comprehend) I can comfortably say that the way they expressed their displeasure was wrong; no two ways about it. Within hours the scenes from Maharashtra's legislative assembly were being flashed all over the world. I have seen scene's like these at different assemblies around the world. But knowing the fact that this happened in Bombay does invoke a tinge of sadness (or maybe shame) in my mind.
And what did the 4 happy slappers gain by slapping Mr. Azmi. They have been suspended for 4 years from the assembly. So 4 out of 5 years they cannot participate in a forum that tries to solve the problems being faced by Maharashtra and Maharashtrian's.
So what happens to the people who actually voted for them so that they can go to the assembly and try to solve the problems they are facing. Now for the next 4 years, nobody will care about their problems because the person who was supposed to bring it to the notice of the assembly is barred from addressing the assembly.
The people who voted for the 4 slappers knew that MNS members suffer from anger management issues yet they voted for them. Well...all I can say is serves them right for giving vote to the people who were bound to get into trouble sooner or later.
(I have not named the 4 slappers simply because they are not important enough. But we all know who is responsible anyway)
Friday, October 23, 2009
One stone, three mango.
Whenever there is a conversation about "improving" India, the one topic that inevitably comes up is how filthy our streets are. Depending on your conversation group, fingers get immediately pointed in different directions. Inefficient corporation workers, lack of infrastructure, corrupt politicians, hungry cows, pan munching bapus who spit everywhere. The list is endless. I did my share of whining in an article in 'The Hindu' about a year ago. And everyone has their own solutions to the problem ranging from sacking the mayor to imprisoning garbage throwers. So here's my two cents.
I'm sure many of us have noticed that entire cities are becoming marketing real estate these days. Not a single wall is spared from advertising. Publicity is hot cake and always has been. I'm sure the prophets would vouch for that. That's why I think the government should get into the business of marketing.
Here's how it works. The supreme court bans all forms of advertising on public property in major cities. Every single hoarding, poster, bus stand ads and cutout comes down. This is the hardest to implement but it has to be done for this to work. Next, the state government creates approved marketing spaces throughout the city. This can be safely placed hoardings, walls dedicated to posters etc. These are then leased out to private companies who want to advertise, at a nominal cost, BUT the company has to take the responsibility of cleaning up that particular street or council. The bigger the ad the bigger area they have to clean. If the company fails to meet the criteria, the government gets to takes down their ad. So as long there is a demand for an ad space on the public arena there will be someone to do the cleaning up. And the increased need for sanitation workers by private companies could mean many jobs for the needy.
Of course this does not mean the corporation gets to sit back and relax. All this is on top of what the corporation workers already do. This just gets more hands on the job thats all.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
NASA and Chicken Kurma
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
when will i vote..... ? when will they include my name in the voting list...but even if they do add my name in the voting list...will i actually get up and vote....i really don't believe in voting...
duniya gol hai...baki sab jhol hai....
Sunday, September 20, 2009
English as we know it
Friday, September 18, 2009
i didnt know that they (read Indian Railway) had already introduced the new rakes ...the new train
had read that the they had beeeg plans for this shatabdi type trains... they are also contemplating making it complete wifi...(imagine)
for those who have no idea what shatabdi express is......i must say u need to have a ride in it to know it!!
deshwasi hone ke naate u need to know and should also enjoy the ride in the new shatabdi...and you might also want to praise them (read Indian Railway)
i took the mumbai-ahmedabad shatabdi... boarded at vapi... i was like.....ooooh...fuck ...is this a train...or a long skinny plane..... :P
it was clean as hell and bright...and modern...they served hot food and it tasted better that what we generally get in flights (read AirIndia)..
out of randomness
i asked the one of thsoe men in black dress, Mr TC who should i praise...mamta or lalloo...and he said ... no one :| and he was serious. :)
PS: its nice to see a someone unknown flagging off the new train
...go go go...take a ride
Saturday, August 15, 2009

63 and still going strong...
a great day for freedom...
hope and faith will keep us bounded together...
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
I simply ask.... why???

Here’s another example our society is going mad. Someday some guy forgot his belt for his jeans and it kept dropping. Yup, you guessed it - it became a fashion. Now people deliberately wear their jeans at “half-mast” exposing their underwear in all its glory. So much so that the bottom of their jeans is torn and shredded and if you look closely, is developing its own ecosystem. They call it "low-rise". Sounds like an oxymoron doesnt it?
You know what I think? I think its an evil conspiracy hatched by underwear companies to boost their sales. Some day some marketing numb-nuts in a big underwear corporation asked himself “how can we make people reveal their underwear in public?” And soon they found the idea and since then, underwear sales has been up.
But on a serious note, If you are gonna follow some fashion, follow something that’s vaguely functional. Like the Khakis and Camouflage pants for example. The pockets in them come in really handy at times don’t they? I definitely wouldn’t mind wearing those.
Monday, August 10, 2009
future of indian rock and roll ....???
i am not sure how strong Indian rock and roll was?... is?... will be?......when was it at its peak...or is it already on its decline....
as far as i remember 15th august was "the date" for i-rock... but the new age junta and bollywood have successfully managed overshadow Indian rock scene...
i-day meant more that just i-day...but to us ...it was i-rock day....
we waited all year for this special day to arrive so that there we can go enjoy 2 days of freedom music at rang bhavan ...
but as the years passed by...police started acting tough with young hippies ... the ones who smoked weed peacefully....and shouted madarchode bhenchode out of sheer frustration when the sound system broke down...had a gala time and then have a small peep into the intersteller overdrive and go home....(the police shud have actually concentrated on gangsters and rapists and dowry practitioners)
and then something really goes wrong... bomb blasts and communal riots and ban on loud speakers at public places after 10 PM .... add to it the woos of high entertainment tax... no playing music loud music next to schools...:| come into action....while sutta and gutkha is still sold in schools and colleges......
Bombay gets fucked in the ass... it becomes mumbai...the sudden wave of all of a sudden wanting to be more Indian and for that matter being a 100% Hippocratic maharashtrian creeps in.....
..rock music lovers are seen as young kids aping west... shit...and what not....
our only hope comes from this dinosaur Farhad

today its ...10th august...and we don't have clue when i rock will be ...if not rang bhavan....not gateway of india.... not chitrakoot grounds....
all i hope as we have to fight a strong govt and moral police...at least the i-rock should happen at chitrakoot grounds... at the end of august...or early September...
and all i hope is.... the rock n roll scene stays...survives... flourishes....in the middle of new age junta and bollywood...
how i wish i can turn back time and disappear where i had unwashed long hair.....headbang and smoke some weed and chill with my dost-log...and then get drunk and go home peacefully with a happy heart......
king missile - rock and roll will never die
Nah, but
I'm sorry
But look I'm sorry
But, Rock n Roll?
Rock n' Roll will never die
It's going nowhere
It's here to stay
What are you, fucking stupid?
I'm sorry but nah but you're fucking high
If you think rock n' roll will ever die
You're cracked up out of your fucking mind
Nah 'cause Rock n' Roll is here to stay
It will never go away
Look at Def Leopard
Drummer's got one fucking arm
Look at the Rolling Stones
They've been around for forty five fucking years
Look at Guns and Roses
Need I say more
Nah 'cause I'm sorry
But look I'm sorry but
But Rock n' Roll is not moving
It's going nowhere
It's here to stay
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Madras week comin up...

The things I miss about Madras are pretty much what any Indian living abroad would miss. The generic list includes everything from roadside food to cheap bargains. But mostly its how the city “feels” – its emotions, which I miss.
Take for instance an early morning transit to work. The Madras experience starts off with frustration over the bus being late, the ordeal to get into the bus, the sharp reconnaissance and maneuvering skills needed to secure a seat, the joy and sense of accomplishment when one does manage to get one. The communication skills needed to buy a ticket from the conductor who is at the other end of the bus. The intrigue over someone else’s loud cell phone conversation where you let your mind do the filling in. The anger over the lady with large basket and children with humongous school bags. By the time you reach your destination you have gone through a spectrum of human emotions.
The Sydney experience starts off with buying ticket from a machine that says “Thank you”. Then another machine checks your ticket and lets you into the station, and a long and boring train ride punctuated by mechanized announcements. Even on crowded trains most people look at the floor or a book or out of the window, just in case they make accidental eye contact. Phone conversations are muffled so as not to disturb the person sitting next. Not to mention the Indian Embassy's directive asking Indian students not to talk loud in mother-tongue. Now even the otherwise chatty Punjabi and Telugu girls are talking in hush hush tone. Most people have iPods to deprive one more sense off the outside world. By the time you reach your destination, the journey was as eventless as butter on mashed potatoes. Unless of course if you come across some colourful aussies who would beat you up and steal your laptop.
Sydney definitely looks better, but Madras certainly feels great.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
born as ghost...in the country of more than 3.3 billion gods ??
The hills find peace
Locked armed guard posts
Safe from the screams
Of the children born as ghosts
Gates, guns and alarms
Shape the calm of the dawn
Peering down into the basin
Where death lives on
Where young run foaming at the mouth with hate
Where burning batons beat the freezing who shake
Under the toxic sunsets they dine and toast
Their walls deny the terror facedby the children born as ghosts
Born as ghosts
A warning, you sufferers, begin to speak our words
Born as ghosts
A warning, you sufferers, begin to speak our words
Born as ghosts
A warning, you sufferers, begin to speak our words
Born as ghosts
Were the children born as ghosts
Born as ghosts
One book and forty odd
Stuffed in a room
Ah, the school as a tomb
Where home is a wasteland
Taste the razor wire
And thought is locked in the womb
The tales that tear at the myth of the dream
(myth of the dream, myth of the dream)
A suffering that shocks the lives off the screen
(myth of the dream, myth of the dream)
Born as ghosts
A warning, you sufferers, begin to speak our words
Born as ghosts
A warning, you sufferers, begin to speak our words
Born as ghosts
A warning, you sufferers, begin to speak our words
Born as ghosts
We are the children born as ghosts
Born as ghosts
Born as ghosts
Born as ghosts
A warning, you sufferers, begin to speak our words
Born as ghosts
A warning, you sufferers, begin to speak our words
Born as ghosts
A warning, you sufferers, begin to speak our words
Born as ghosts
Were the children born as ghosts
Born as ghosts
Born as ghosts
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
half fries are better than full fries when boiled !!
this is one thought that keeps troubling me....
we want to be a superpower...OK... its a dream of the millions..oops sorry... billions.... ohhh i think i must disagree... count me out of that dream...
what we fail to see is the grass may be green on the superpower side...but the pink is not always pinker on the other side...i think pink is superior to red...
we may want to be the next United States...or United Kingdom... the next g8...but why ??
whats wrong with what we are...and whats wrong with what we will be if we stop our pursuit to be a superpower.... i don't think so we need to mumbai to be the next shanghai...we don't need Delhi to be the next Washington DC... we don't want Bangalore to be the next silicon valley.....no matter what we do ...we can never eliminate the jhag-mag jhag-jhag of mumbai ...we cant digest the fact that Delhi without its smart thugs and chaotic ring roads will be Delhi... and so wont Bangalore be Bangalore without its ....(whats Bangalore famous for ???)
why should we not be a normal power country...superpowers have their own sets of pros and cons... but at times when i think ...i know that the fact that the cons and problems that the superpowers have are much more deadlier and scarier than what we developing or underdeveloped countries have... the superpowers are super criminals...they are always in a race to posses the worlds more deadliest weapons...they produce more carbon and green house gases ...they consume maximum natural resources... they have the biggest monetary issues...they have blah blah blah blah...
these blah blah blahs have maximum consequences...
so now in the years to come we intend to make India a superpower...we think India won't be an just another superpower and but history will be forced to prove that it repeats ...its never wrong...
our problems will multiply...may be rise exponentially... the sea is continuing to rise.... the polar bears will have to die...the hole in the ozone will make things miserably unbearable...and Bangladesh will be smaller than MMR (may be MMR will grow and keep growing...and Bangladesh will keep sinking) (Mumbai Metropolitan Region)... imagine one billion people behaving like they can rule the world....
we shall continue to stretch our self to grow at double digits ...but if we end up growing too fast, there may be chances that we grow abnormally... thereby increasing chances of tumor...the other selfish nations will continue to pour money to help us grow as fast as possible...and the other dil-jale nations will continue to create more and more hurdles... the tumor will also cause tremendous distress within giving rise to naxalites...only because in the race of growing too fast we will forget the principle of equality equal re-distribution of wealth...and there are chances of brotherhood being lost....
i am not a socialist...a communist...or a capitalistic ....i am not even a socio-commu-capitalist....i am not sure...
i am not a leftist..i am not a right wing activist....or a centrist ...i don't know... but i know as a nation of so many diverse masala's and tadka's solve our problems by trying to become a superpower... we cant solve our problems by sending out peace signs and simultaneously being a nuclear power..(this is just one of the example)...
we SHOULD be a selfish nation...but we need to be selfish to be what we need to be....
all i understand is that we should never be in a position like we got gang raped during 1857AD to 1947 AD...
we cant loose what is most important to us..our freedom ...our freedom to choose... our freedom to ignore...our freedom to express...our freedom to love the ones we hate....our freedom to hate the ones we love...
and the most important our "freedom to be FREE"
Monday, June 22, 2009
khodo khodo..chodo chodo
i don't know where i heard this...
yeha khuda hai..
wahan khuda hai...
yeha khuda hai..
wahan khuda hai...
jahan nahi khuda hai...wahan kal khudega :P
walllah...wallah.. now the idea is to create rojgaar... why coz there is so much pressure on the politicians in INDIA that they cant think straight...
employment will always be a problem...
but does that mean... dig when ever you want...where ever it is not dug ??
what i have noticed ...(:P)... the same road is dug more than 1 times each time and every time.
ok ok... lets put it this way... first the MTNL dug the road, then airtel and the tatas and then MCGM and then the PWD ...and then the MTNL againg...then comes the baap of all diggers.. Dhirubhai abani's sons...the reliance brothers.. anil and mukesh... they dig and they continue to dig.... now these days there are big big fightings ...tenders are floated.. then setting chalu ho jaati hai.... jo sexy setting lagayega oose tendor tendor milta hai... malaai ke 7
so they start digging... earlier they used hands...these days they use machines...but in the end they dig...
and then there are no places to dig they start creating new ones...that can be dug...
the best part is this digging creates so much employment that may be 5% of the poor get jobs... when the holes are left open...ppl use them in multiple ways.. in rains these become the water bodies of the city :| .. then the poor kids wont be crib about the fact that they don't have a public swimming pool :)
so the digging goes on for quite some time...the employment generated gives the politicians hope of getting re-elected and most of the time it brings them back to power...
most of the middle class janata cribs all the time - that the dug up roads are creating a lot of problems...they nag...they curse...they abuse!! (the rich do not bother about it digging or may be they do ...but are able to ignore it cos they are smart..or may be they are not)... but the middle class janata displays emotions in every possible way.... the poor are so very used to it...that if they do now see roads getting dug, they feel that the govt is not doing anything that is progressive...everynow and then you will get to hear....it was a big mistake to vote these madarchods (motherfuckers)...sala sab ke sab gandu hai... agla time oonko-ich vote dega jo rojgaar dega... jo rasta khodega...jo taalab khodega...kuch to khodega....
bhagwaan ke waasta hai....oosko :|
in the last few years ..the MCGM has deployed underground pipes to pump gas to homes in the city (gas cylinders se chhutkaara), the mtnl/bsnl has layed thousands of kms of telephone lines(now they are providing DSL lines which was once upon a time a dream), the PWD has done so many things that i dont know even 10% of the things they must have done, 1 of the reliance brothers has laid more than 60,000kms of fiber optics cable for broadband - the other is digging for oil and natural gas...and blah blah blah....and more blah blah blah...
it will only give me more reasons to have more hope...
Run, run rabbit run…
dig that hole, forget the sun, and when at last the work is done..
don’t sit down..its time to dig another one
pink floyd
Thursday, June 18, 2009
for the love of ...
lets refine it...
everybody loves to love them when they win... everybody loves to hate them when they loose!!
i still cant understand why we love a game that was introduced to us by the British...they made us nunga punga...stole our land...they stole our tax.. they stole our Kohinoor :(
b4 they introduced us to the game we played many other games (yeah...we did play games other than cricket)... but unfortunately i don't know many of them... kabaddi, kho kho, kusti, and i am sure we played many many more games ...most of them i might not even know...i was born in the decade of Television Kranti... radio were just going out of fashion and heroes were happy to romance the beautiful women in color...internet was not even discovered...
the last time i remember playing cricket was at St. Lawrence school in Sector 16 Vashi.. i got chance to play since there was one less player in one team :P ... i got out on the first ball...catch out... i hit a half volley...and straight to the the fielder who was hidden cos on the same ground there were more than 4 to 5 matched being played :D ... imbalanced demand and supply equation of complex variables of cricket grounds, population, time and love for the game... where do some things come from is always a mystery ...
the last time i remember playing either of kabbaddi, kho kho or langadi is whn i must be in my 2nd grade... :)
i see us playing cricket everywhere... on proper grounds, in buildings, on roads, on footpaths, on terraces of buildings, in classrooms, in office on computer, on the internet...we even played cricket by turning pages of the book and the page number as the number of runs score... say if u open the page number 66 ..its a six... if u open pages with page number ending with 4 are four runs...and and if i open 60/50/40 - ending with a zero - i am out....and so on...
one of the weirdest places i have seen small kids play cricket is the harbor line of mumbai... it was once upon a time a completely fucked up place to be...it is not a lil better... i really mean it!! ... its a lot better that what it used to be a few years ago... they play cricket right next to the railway tracks which is a toilet for the mumbaikars living along the railway tracks... which is a big dustbin for the mumbaikars living along the railway tracks... the gutter next to it is a sewage drain... its open so it can overflow anytime.. and so so much more i can describe....but fuck...ppl wont read the post them...
danny uncle wanted to show all of this, similar things...and so he did in his super awesome movie slumdog millionaire ...not exactly what we wanted him to show about india...but he did what most of us would want to hide... he won 8 oscars :)
there are 2 problems...(thees 2 i feel are important..)
1) when will we realize that we can not expect our fellow Indians to live like that... (i understand the world can not survive with equality but.....)
2) will we ever see kids play hockey or any other game with so much love and addiction the way those kids play cricket ??
PS : if i said i am not a big cricket fan i may be not speaking the truth
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Sampark Kranti
I just returned to my home - that is Delhi - by the Maharashtra Sampark Kranti. And as luck would have it, on the way I happened to have some really obnoxious co-passengers. There was this bunch of 7 youngsters, on their way to wherever, who just couldn't refrain from talking loudly while playing cards - which would have been fine, if they had shut the hell up during the night when I was trying desperately to sleep and not kept giving me regular updates about India's downward progression against England on their way out of the ICC World Twenty20.
Then there was this woman who got in from Borivali who was obsessed with the berths - as it turned out, she had an upper but wanted something lower. When she finally did manage to get herself a middle, she wanted to set it up at 8 (EIGHT!) - we managed to delay it to 9. Next, she gets up in the morning at about 6 but says: "Abhi nahi - aath baje". Politely but firmly, I inform her that the official timings are 9pm-6am. What I really wanted to tell her was: "baarah ghante? train tere baap ki hai kya?"
But co-passengers weren't the best or the worst parts of the journey. The best was after a chain pulling incident somewhere near Sawai Madhopur (that place in Rajasthan from where you go to Ranathambore), after which this guy got off the train with his skybag, only to be caught by a policeman who held him by the collar with his right hand and kept slapping him right across the face with his left, all the while dragging the offender to the rear end of the train. It all started right outside my window so all the more fun! The worst part? There was no water in the train since 6 in the morning, and the train was scheduled to reach at half past one. Thankfully, it was on time.
PS. Indian Railways should increase the speed of these somewhat special trains to match the Rajdhanis, since arrive at their stoppages and destinations significantly before time. Especially since it is really frustrating when you're made to wait outside a station as a penalty for being before time, and embarrasing when you're made to wait while the Rajdhani which you led all the way from Bombay to Baroda is allowed to pass.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Another One Bites The Dust
....Oscar Wilde
You always believed that equality ,brotherhood, culture, religious ethics etc shall take us to the pinnacle, always had faith in the countrys ever increasing GDP,economic development,globalisation...blah blah, always the first to critise the invasions of foreign culture,americanisation of the Indian youth,your kids growing up to Hendrix n Floyd rather than pandit ravi shankar(all due respect to da gentle man).You are an indispensable part of the "Mera Barat Mahan"brigade and a true Indian to the core. I salute thou not for your patriotism but for thy foolishness.
Have you ever asked yourself as to why we have been ruled for over 1000 years by the turks, afgans ,mugals ,persians, portugese and finally britishers? Do you know the history of your country? Do you think freedom was fought for and won..and are you proud of it?....Maybe yes for you are yet to discern the pangs of hunger n yet to discover how it feels to make your kids walk for six kilometers to fetch water because you cant use the village wells for thou are classified as a "harijan" in the religious encyclopedias. People have been baptizing crime in the name of culture since ages and what’s surprising is somehow we still are very proud of the fact. Let me quote Woody allen here” culture is all but an illusion of permanence” Its been 62 years since we got the freedom tag yet we are so underdeveloped relatively when in comparisons with countries like Japan, China, Germany but still the false ego prevails. I would like to highlight the fact that these countries have had a more woeful situation than we can ever imagine but have significantly superseded us in every respect, so stop whining about how we have been exploited by the Britishers and how they looted us over the years. Infact if it were not for them we still would have prevailed in the neo-nendrethal era like Venezuela or Brazil (ofcourse with a sense of brotherhood and respect for elders). I aint any firang sympathizer but the point if that they gave us a lot more than we could ever bargain for like education, rails, telecommunication, constitution (Babasaheb only amended it) etc....which none before them had, and btw what brotherhood are we talking abt?..all it takes is decapitating some prehistoric statue and all we ever learnt in the moral science books goes for a toss.How many more chandraswami n ramdev baba shitholes are we gonna tolerate who claim to cure aids n cancer n suck on the poor n rich alike .These political buffoons have added an all new dimension to democracy with their “Hindutva”, “India shining” , “ a new world for the poor”…lol.. it’s now more like “for the lunatics of the lunatics and definitely by the lunatics”.
Why such feeling of abhorrence thou shalt ask, I guess its more the grief that something that could have been so beautiful has turned out to be so horribly wrong. I only hope(yea hope is better than despair) that u fellas realise that we aint "mahan" as yet n therz still a lot of bloodshed n gore before the final war of freedom is won.
Friday, June 12, 2009
the "full ON" meaning i found here....
1. | bakchodi | |
Hindi slang for gossip. Done especially among friends. |
2. | Bakchodi | |
It is a word in hindi. it refers to the senseless and baseless conversation that friends have which are funny sometimes.people doing bakchodi are called bakchods. X - "we are like two trees in this coffee house...birds come and sit and fly off but we remain the same.not moving" Y - "that was good bakchodi man !nice stuff" |
felt good... the chodi in the word bakchodi has got nothing to do with chod which may mean "fuck"
also the idea behind this blog was healthy bakchodi... and i am no superman to do that all by myself... so we have many authors here (authors sounds so kool)
waise india mein sab chalta hai...to yeh blog chalne mein jyaada taqleef nahi aayegi...
all those who get a chance to blog here...shud enjoy full freedom of speech and other democrazy rights what the govt gives us (remember there is a huge difference between us and the chinese :D
if you know important ppl who are good at bakchodi...and strongly believe in "india hai...sab chalta hai..." this is the place for them..
Let The Bakchodi Begin!
I'm not posting this because the creator of this blog is one who can be perfectly described by any one of those above-mentioned variants. Additionally, he is also what can be roughly described in English as genuine leather. Go figure.