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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Serves them right!!!

Let me begin with a disclaimer. I am not a political person. I hate politics and the debates that rage on for hours, without proving nothing more than that the participants of the said debate are just a bunch of self-righteous hypocrites. I had to get that out of the way so that people do not start calling me anti some party or pro some party.

What purpose did Raj Thackeray's cronies prove by slapping Abu Azmi for taking his oath in Hindi. All the man was saying was that he will follow his duties as the state wants him to and will maintain a non disclosure stance. But Raj's pro Marathi stand would have been damaged if 4 of his 13 "associates" did not create a scene about it.

He was talking in Hindi. Officially our official language. I really did not see any point in raising an objection about it.

Even if there was something wrong (something my innocent and politically free mind fails to comprehend) I can comfortably say that the way they expressed their displeasure was wrong; no two ways about it. Within hours the scenes from Maharashtra's legislative assembly were being flashed all over the world. I have seen scene's like these at different assemblies around the world. But knowing the fact that this happened in Bombay does invoke a tinge of sadness (or maybe shame) in my mind.

And what did the 4 happy slappers gain by slapping Mr. Azmi. They have been suspended for 4 years from the assembly. So 4 out of 5 years they cannot participate in a forum that tries to solve the problems being faced by Maharashtra and Maharashtrian's.

So what happens to the people who actually voted for them so that they can go to the assembly and try to solve the problems they are facing. Now for the next 4 years, nobody will care about their problems because the person who was supposed to bring it to the notice of the assembly is barred from addressing the assembly.

The people who voted for the 4 slappers knew that MNS members suffer from anger management issues yet they voted for them. Well...all I can say is serves them right for giving vote to the people who were bound to get into trouble sooner or later.

(I have not named the 4 slappers simply because they are not important enough. But we all know who is responsible anyway)


  1. Give Hydrogen atoms 17 billion years and it will start fighting over language!

  2. 4 bitch slappers were the most imp!
